Tag Archives: beef

Halal Swedish Meatballs/Meatloaf


Asalaamu Alaikam! It has literally been YEARS since I posted anything on my food blog, and I am sure that most of my follows have completely given up on me. Well, I am back today, and with a recipe that is sure to get some attention: Halal Swedish Meatballs/Meatloaf.

Traditional Swedish Meatballs contain pork, which means that they are most definitely not halal. A search online, and you will find that most recipes are a blend of beef and pork, or a blend of beef, pork and chicken. That pesky pork always seems to be there! Substituting pork with chicken is always a good option (because they are both technically “white meats”), but what about recipes that already call for chicken? Swedish Meatballs should have equal parts beef to whatever else you’re adding. If there’s already chicken in there, adding more chicken just doesn’t make any sense. The ratio would be off. So, what’s a Muslim to do?

Well, I am here to tell you that veal also makes an excellent substitute for pork! The flavor is both light and intense all at once, and the texture is ahhhhmazing! In my recipe, you use equal parts ground beef, ground chicken, and ground veal. The results are astonishingly good, MashAllah!

This recipe is easy, and since I choose to make it in the oven, it’s heart healthy. It’s also perfect for Ramadhan. I prefer to make it in the shape of meatloaf, using an 8×8 brownie pan. You can shape them into meatballs, if you prefer. The texture and the taste will be the same.

So, without further adieu, I give you my Halal Swedish Meatball/Meatloaf!

Halal Swedish Meatballs/Meatloaf


  • 1 lb/500 g ground beef
  • 1 lb//500 g ground chicken
  • 1 lb/500 g ground veal
  • 1 tsp/5 ml allspice, approximately
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 1/4 c/60 ml heavy whipping cream (or one egg with a splash of milk)
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • two slices of bread, diced


Preheat oven to 425F/218C Finely dice an onion and two slices of bread (I use white bread, but any can be used. Bear in mind that multi-grain breads may change the texture).

In a large mixing bowl, add heavy whipping cream (or milk/egg combo), onion, bread, and seasonings. Mix well, making sure bread is coated. Add ground meats. Mix by hand until smooth.

Put meat mixture into pan, dividing into four sections (allows for faster cooking time). Cover and bake for 35 minutes. After 35 minutes, uncover and finish baking for an additional 15 minutes.
